USDOT Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Funding Available 

USDOT Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Funding Available 

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has announced the combined Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) and Neighborhood Access and Equity (NAE) Programs. Up to $3.16 billion is available for planning and construction projects. Townships are eligible to apply through September 28, 2023. Under the combined program, USDOT is offering three grants: 

  • Community Planning Grants will award RCP and/or NAE funds to planning activities for construction projects to address local transportation challenges.  
  • Capital Construction Grants will award RCP and/or NAE funds to projects that remove, retrofit, mitigate, or replace an existing dividing transportation facility with a facility that reconnects communities; mitigate a facility that is a source of air pollution, noise, stormwater, heat, or other burdens; or implement a strategy to reduce environmental harm and/or improve access.  
  • Regional Partnerships Challenge Grants will award NAE funds to a project led by two or more applicants to address a persistent regional challenge related to equitable access and mobility. 

For additional information, visit the RCP/NAE programs website.  

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