Today is Final Day to Request PSATS Service Recognition Certificates 

Today is Final Day to Request PSATS Service Recognition Certificates 

Today is the final day to submit requests for PSATS recognition certificates for township supervisors who are retiring or departing effective December 31, 2023, that you may want to recognize for their years of service to the township and your residents.   

If you would like a recognition certificate from PSATS for such supervisors, please email the request to by end of business today, and include the following information:   

1. Supervisor’s full name   

2. Township and county   

3. Number of years of service   

4. Month the certificate will be presented   

5. The date of their last day at township   

If you have more than one supervisor departing, please provide this information for each person. There is no minimum number of years of service to qualify for the certificate. You may also use the same process for departing/retiring secretaries and managers.  

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