Statewide Invasive Species Impacts Survey  

Statewide Invasive Species Impacts Survey  

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Invasive Species Council is conducting the first statewide Invasive Species Impacts Survey. The survey is open through November 13 and takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The council is looking for general experiences — no formal expertise in the field of invasive species is required to participate. 

The council is requesting input from local governments on impacts from invasive plants, insects, animals, and pathogens, including economic, environmental, recreation, or health impacts. The council is also gathering information on sources of funding for species management (or lack thereof) and intends to support a permanent statewide regional framework to manage invasive species.  

Currently, there are about 300 invasive species identified by the council as having the greatest current or potential negative impacts for Pennsylvania, from plants like garlic mustard to insects like the spotted lanternfly and emerald ash borer to aquatic organisms like zebra mussels.  

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