Pennsylvania’s Enhanced “Move Over Law” Takes Effect

Pennsylvania’s Enhanced “Move Over Law” Takes Effect

Pennsylvania’s Move Over Law requires drivers approaching an emergency response area to either move over or, if they are unable to safely merge into a lane that is further away from the response area, to slow to at least 20 mph below the posted speed limit.  
Under the act, an emergency response area is where an emergency vehicle has its lights flashing, or where road crews or emergency responders have lighted flares, posted signs, or tried to warn travelers. The enhanced law is vital to protecting the lives of our emergency responders and roadworkers on the scene.  
Act 105 of 2020 creates new penalties that impose two points for failure to merge out of the lane next to the emergency response area; sets fines at $500 for first-time offenders, $1,000 for a second offense, and $2,000 for a third or subsequent offense; and requires a 90-day license suspension for a third or subsequent offense. In cases where a violation causes serious injury or death to another person, the penalties increase. Click here for more about the new law. 

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