PennDOT Seeking Input on 12-Year Program, Long-Range Transportation Plan 

PennDOT Seeking Input on 12-Year Program, Long-Range Transportation Plan 

The state Department of Transportation is asking for township officials to share their feedback on its 12-Year Program, Long-Range Transportation Plan, and the Freight Movement Plan. These plans help PennDOT develop its funding and project priorities for the future.  

This year, PennDOT is partnering with the State Transportation Commission to collect feedback on all three initiatives through a single public survey and online public forum. Township officials are encouraged to take a few minutes to complete the survey by clicking here and telling PennDOT which priorities are important to you. Responses are due April 14.  

Township officials may participate in a public forum on the plans that will be held March 23 at 6:30 p.m. featuring state Secretary of Transportation Yassmin Gramian, P.E. To register for this free event, click here. To learn more about the plans, click here.  

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