Municipal Expenses from Ida Approved for Seven More Counties 

Municipal Expenses from Ida Approved for Seven More Counties 

The federal government has approved a request for public assistance to municipal, county, and state governments from damage caused by Tropical Depression Ida. The approval releases public assistance for Bedford, Fulton, Huntingdon, Luzerne, Philadelphia, Schuylkill, and York Counties. Municipal expenses for Bucks, Chester, and Montgomery counties were approved last week. Damage assessments and reviews are ongoing, and other counties may be added.   

Through the FEMA Public Assistance Program, eligible applicants can be reimbursed up to 75% of the costs incurred for specific categories of assistance provided during the response to and recovery from the impacts of Hurricane Ida in the commonwealth. Examples of expenses that may be reimbursed include costs associated with debris management, repairs to damaged roads and bridges, emergency sheltering of displaced individuals, equipment rentals, and materials. State funding has been made available to assist in offsetting the remaining 25%. Click here for more.  

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