Have an Accessible Playground? Get the Word Out!

Have an Accessible Playground? Get the Word Out!

Townships that have an accessible playground designed for children of all abilities have another avenue to get the word out. The Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS) has updated its Park Finder app to help parents locate the closest accessible playground to their home or vacation spot. The app allows users to search by park name, county, municipality, or proximity and filter among 73 park amenities, which now includes accessibility.

PRPS is asking municipalities to provide information about their accessible playgrounds so they can be added to the app. The Park Finder app is located on PRPS’s good for you website, which highlights all of the benefits to be found and enjoyed in Pennsylvania’s parks. The app provides details on more than 6,500 local and state parks across Pennsylvania.

To add your township’s accessible playground to the Park Finder app, email Samantha Locke at sam@pinephilly.com with the playground’s name, address, and details about accessibility features.

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