Grant Opportunities: Driving PA Forward Initiative

Grant Opportunities: Driving PA Forward Initiative

* Truck and Bus Fleet Grant Program 
The state Department of Environmental Protection has announced an opportunity to apply for $3 million in grants offered through the Truck and Bus Fleet Grant Program (formerly Class 8 Truck and Transit Bus Grant Program), one of the programs under the Driving PA Forward Initiative. This funding is available for eligible diesel emission reduction projects that will improve air quality and protect the public health and environment by reducing emissions from diesel-powered vehicles and engines. Applications must be received by 4 p.m. on October 9, 2021. 

* On road Rebate Program 

The state Department of Environmental Protection has also announced an opportunity to apply for $6 million in rebates offered through the On road Rebate Program, one of the programs under the Driving PA Forward Initiative. This funding is available for diesel vehicle replacement and repower projects that will improve air quality and protect the public health and environment by reducing emissions from older diesel vehicles. The department will close the application period following the issuance of $6 million in vouchers, or at 4 p.m. on November 12, 2021, whichever occurs first.  

Program guidelines and application instructions are available on the department’s Driving PA Forward webpage or by contacting the Bureau of Air Quality (Bureau) at or (717) 787-9495.  

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