Governor Signs Law Extending Local Tax Deadline

Governor Signs Law Extending Local Tax Deadline

Yesterday, Governor Wolf signed House Bill 766 into law, which will amend the Tax Reform Code of 1971 to extend the due date of Pennsylvania corporate tax returns and allow the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to coordinate with local government bodies an extension to May 17, 2021 of the local tax filing and payment deadline. 

 Under the act, the deadline for corporate tax returns will be changed from 30 days after the due date of the federal return to the 15th day of the month following the due date of the federal return. In addition to extending this year’s local tax deadline, that deadline will now be permanently tied to state and federal tax deadlines to ensure consistency and predictability, reduce confusion, and eliminate the need for emergency extensions. 

 You may read the bill in full here. 

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