Commonwealth COVID-19 Enforcement Visits, Complaints Slow

Commonwealth COVID-19 Enforcement Visits, Complaints Slow

The following state agency reports are for the week of March 29:  

Pa. Department of Agriculture: The Bureau of Food Safety performed 674 total inspections, five of which were the result of COVID-19-related complaints, and received 22 food facility COVID-19-related complaints, none of which were referred to local and county health jurisdictions. No restaurants were closed this week. The department noted in its report that less restrictive measures took effect April 4. 

Pennsylvania State Police: Officers issued 53 warnings and 23 violations for failing to follow COVID-19 requirements after visiting 811 licensed liquor establishments. The PSP noted that restaurants were permitted to resume bar service and the sale of alcohol without the purchase of food on April 4, as well as operate at a 75% capacity if self-certified. The PSP will continue to enforce targeted restrictions such as mask-wearing and social distancing.  

Pa. Department of State: The Bureau of Enforcement and Investigation performed 528 inspections of licensed professions’ compliance with COVID-19 mitigation requirements, opened five COVID-19-specific investigations, and distributed nine warning letters and three compliance letters.   

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