Rolling in the Dough

The Commonwealth collected $2.8B in October 2021 exceeding projections by 6%, or $159.9m. Four months into the fiscal year, that means there is a budget surplus of $788.2M surplus for the FY 21-22 Budget. 

Some News is Better Than No News

On November 5, the  U.S. Treasury Department released an updated Compliance and Reporting Guidance for the American Rescue Plan. The updates address feedback gathered by Treasury, verify reporting timeframes, and clarify reporting deadlines. Townships should expect to receive an email notification…

It’s Happening Here, Too!

Due to supply chain issues, labor shortages and postal delays, the November issue of the Pa. Township News will be arriving late. PSATS continues to meet our production deadlines as always, but our printer’s challenges are causing delays, and for that,…

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