Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Bridge Investment Program Funding Opportunity 

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Bridge Investment Program Funding Opportunity 

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is accepting applications for $2.36 billion in FY 2022 through the competitive Bridge Investment Program (BIP). The program will provide $12.5 billion over the next five years to projects that replace, rehabilitate, preserve, or protect bridges on the National Bridge Inventory. 

Townships are eligible to apply for BIP funding directly to FHWA for the following grants: 

  • Planning Grants for projects in the early phases of development requiring assistance to become eligible for BIP funds. No minimum or maximum award amount. Applications due July 25, 2022. 
  • Bridge Project Grants for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, and protection projects with total eligible costs of $100 million or less. Minimum award amount of $2.5 million. Applications due September 8, 2022. 

Click here for more information, including a BIP Fact Sheet, Questions and Answers, and a recording of the BIP Overview webinar. Click here for the Notice of Funding Opportunity

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