Attorney General Announces Theft Charges Against Transportation Contractor

Attorney General Announces Theft Charges Against Transportation Contractor

Attorney General Josh Shapiro announce that Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc., of State College, has been charged with four counts of theft relating to violations of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act and the federal Davis-Bacon Act.  

“This is the largest prevailing wage criminal case on record — under Pennsylvania prevailing wage law and across the United States under federal law,” said AG Shapiro. “My focus now is on holding Hawbaker accountable for breaking the law, and getting these workers their money back.” 

Hawbaker is charged with stealing more than $20 million in fringe benefit funds from prevailing wage workers between 2015 and 2018 and using that money to pay for all company benefits and to lower company costs. Click here to learn more. 

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