Analysis of IRS Data Shows High Tax States Lose Population 

Analysis of IRS Data Shows High Tax States Lose Population 

The Internal Revenue Service released the latest state-level migration data, which uses income tax returns to track the migration of filers and their dependents during 2019 and 2020. Idaho recorded the strongest relative growth in residents. California recorded the largest out migration in absolute terms (losing 263,344 residents), while New York had the largest outmigration in terms of percentage (1.23% or 248,305 residents). 

In comparison, Pennsylvania lost 4,866 residents, 31st among all states. The border states of Ohio, New Jersey, and Maryland saw higher out migration, while Delaware was in the top five states that increased its residents. Not surprisingly, the largest net increase in Pennsylvania residents came from New York, New Jersey, and Maryland, while Pennsylvania lost the most residents to Florida and North Carolina. Click here to learn more.  

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