DEP Awards Grants for Recycling, Water Quality Improvement in Chesapeake Bay

DEP Awards Grants for Recycling, Water Quality Improvement in Chesapeake Bay

The state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has announced grant awards to municipalities for recycling programs under Section 902 of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling, and Waste Reduction Act. More than $26.8 million in grants was awarded to 127 municipalities, including many townships. Click here for the list of awards.  

DEP has also announced grant awards to Adams, Bedford, Centre, Cumberland, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York counties for local water quality improvement in Pennsylvania’s share of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. These funds are to build local engagement in best-practice projects to reduce nitrogen phosphorus and sediment pollution in local streams and rivers and will fund full-time plan coordinators. Click here to learn more.   

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