House Expected to Vote on OSHA Bill TODAY!

House Expected to Vote on OSHA Bill TODAY!

House Expected to Vote on OSHA Bill TODAY!The full House is now expected to vote on HB 299 today, which would require that the commonwealth and all local governments comply with federal OSHA rules and regulations. The regulations would be enforced by a new state board. In addition, any nonprofit organization,  including fire companies, receiving federal funds from a government would also have to comply with the new rules. While a strong supporter of worker safety, PSATS opposes HB 299 and its oppressive paperwork reporting and compliance requirements as an unfunded mandate on townships and their residents. Township officials are urged to reach out to their state representatives as soon as possible and urge them to vote against this unfunded mandate which is expected to be voted on this afternoon.
Please click here to read comments from a Certified Safety Professional who is also now a State Representative.
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