2023 Transportation Performance Report Available 

2023 Transportation Performance Report Available 

The Commonwealth’s 2023 Transportation Performance Report, created by the State Transportation Commission and the Transportation Advisory Committee, is now available for review. This report explains the progress and needs of Pennsylvania’s transportation system, covering topics of safety, mobility, preservation, accountability, funding, and freight. Nationally, pedestrian related fatalities increased by 5% last year. Of note in the state report:  

  • Local road fatalities have remained relatively constant but increased slightly during COVID-19. The number of local road fatalities statewide totaled 214 in 2021.  
  • Local bridges are improving, with the number rated “poor” now under 1,800. However, extensive investment is required to bring local bridges into a state of good repair.  

In 2022, 70 municipalities received over $37.9 million to support traffic signal upgrades to increase safety and mobility statewide through PennDOT’s “Green Light-Go” program.  

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