Find Your Money! Townships Owed Unclaimed Property   

Find Your Money! Townships Owed Unclaimed Property   

The Pennsylvania Treasury is currently seeking the owners of more than $4 billion in unclaimed property and your township may be the rightful owner of some of these funds. Springettsbury Township in York County was recently successful in recovering more than $20,000 in unclaimed property from 20 individual properties, including credit balances, uncashed checks, and more.  

“Our unclaimed property database includes more than 4,900 entries with the word ‘township’ in the name, worth more than $2.3 million,” State Treasurer Stacy Garrity says. “I look forward to working with other townships across the state to return unclaimed property.” Click here to learn more.  

To find out if your township is owed funds, click here. You may want to simply search for your township’s name and then look through the results to verify if any belong to your township.  

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